Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Baby Blog : Plan My Party, Party Planning in Dublin by Professional ...









There seems to be a rush of babies arriving of late and it got me thinking about baby celebrations..Ranging from Baby Showers, Christenings and Naming Ceremonies! I thought I would share with you a few ideas, tips and thoughts on the subject.


{Baby Showers}:

Huge Stateside these afternoons of?celebration?can be a nice way for mum to be to catch up with everyone before the new arrival. It can be as simple as a few friends and family with a tray of home baked cakes and some balloons to a full scale afternoon with a complete baby shower theme, games and vintage tea party treats! A tea party is the perfect tone for such an occasion and a bottle of pink prosecco can be added to toast the ?special time. Pastel colourings for the decor with?miniature?cakes, bakes and?sandwiches?on vintage plates and sipping tea out of tea cups whilst playing baby shower games and spoiling mum to be is a great way to spend an afternoon and celebrate baby to be! They are more popular for first babies but can be a smaller affair for baby two and beyond and called ?sprinkles? in the States?

With this I have launched a DIY Baby Shower Package, see link for further information: Baby Shower DIY Package


{Christenings/Naming Ceremonies}:

Naming Ceremonies are becoming bigger and bigger in Ireland, a more alternative option to the traditional Christening. It is a way to celebrate your baby?s arrival with family and friends without the religious?connotation?perhaps. Both types of occasions can be celebrated on a larger or more intimate scale. A buffet style of food is easiest for new parents to host or a simple vintage afternoon tea style can be a nice twist to the whole occasion..Adding in little personalised touches like cake toppers, bunting and blue or pink paper poms can really enhance the dining area into the celebratory environment. Factoring in some children?s entertainment can be a good idea on such an occasion from a face painter or even goody bags to keep other kids?entertained! A very special occasion to celebrate?


A baby is a celebration in itself and another life event to make memorable so enjoy whichever route you choose. If you would like any personalised decoration for your occasion or want us to look after it all for you please do get in contact and we will help you whatever way we can!




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Brazil judge blocks Chevron, Transocean injunction (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

A Chevron gas pump is shown at a Chevron gas station in Encinitas, California April 28, 2011. REUTERS/Mike BlakeReuters - A federal judge in Brazil declined to grant an injunction suspending the Brazilian operations of oil major Chevron and offshore oil-rig contractor Transocean over a November oil spill northeast of Rio de Janeiro, providing temporary relief to the two companies.


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Picking Out Appropriate Tools for Home Improvements ? GITRDOC

Getting the right home-improvement tools are absolutely essential, especially when doing the job yourself. If you?re fortunate, you may already have all the tools you need, but you might have to get some new ones. Tools and equipment are necessary to do any type of home improvement project, especially on your own. Here are some proven tips on choosing the right tools for home-improvement undertaking. Make sure to click here and also this website also.

One type of tool that people don?t always think about are devices that are useful for moving heavy objects. A furniture dolly is one of those tools that might not be needed a lot, but it sure comes in handy every time you need to move some furniture. It?s safer for both you and the furniture to move it on wheels if this is practical. When you have numerous things to move either up or down the stairs, the process will be much easier when you have a stair trolley. Carrying boxes all day up the stairs or down the stairs, it doesn?t matter which, will age you quickly. If you?re working outdoors in your yard or garden, a wheelbarrow is a good basic tool to have on hand. This will enable you to roll heavy items around rather than carrying them.

It is important to have safety equipment standing by especially when you are getting your tools ready. Anyone that works with drilling or sawing material needs to have safety glasses. This will help protect your eyes from material that is flying around. If you?re going to be using loud tools you may want to get some kind of ear protection. Protecting your hands from sharp edges and splinters, you need to wear work gloves. Fiberglass insulation is very bad, which is why you need a dust mask when working with this material. If you?re doing any type of construction, a hard hat or helmet should be worn. Give everything it?s due consideration, and make sure that your safety equipment is on hand at all times.

Another essential for a lot of home improvement jobs is having a quality ladder. Pretty much any job done on the outside of your house will need a quality ladder, because you will be climbing up on a roof to repair shingles, or do exterior painting. A stepladder is best for jobs where you only need a certain amount of reach and for indoor tasks. An extension ladder will be needed for higher places, especially when painting. Ladders come with duty ratings, which tell you how much weight they can safely hold. The ladder you need depends on the combined weight of what you are carrying and how much you weigh. Usually when you are climbing up a ladder, you will be carrying something, so figure that weight in also, when you are trying to determine what ladder you need. Always make sure your ladder is high enough without your having to stretch for whatever you have to do.

Every home improvement plan will require different tools, so the above are just some general recommendations. Research, planning, and the purchase of tools should be done before the project ever commences. You can complete all of this, even on a budget. Just make sure you properly prepare before beginning to make home improvements. Spend a little extra money if possible under tools so that you can get your job done in a much more efficient manner.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Meet the New, Younger Carrie Bradshaw: AnnaSophia Robb!

The CW has a new young star in the making! AnnaSophia Robb has been cast to play a young Carrie Bradshaw -- the role Sarah Jessica Parker made famous on HBO's long-running hit series, Sex and the City -- in The Carrie Diaries.


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Save Ruby! ? Us citizens Battle Like Cats And Pet dogs with Pet ...

Is your loved ones pet creating an irritating dwelling setting? According into the click of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, around 42 million People in america endure some kind of pet allergy.

Pet allergy indications may include sneezing, congestion, runny nose and rashes, which all can assortment from moderate to intense. Allergy-suffering pet proprietors are calling out for the solution, as removing Fluffy or Fido will not appear to be an option. According into a modern survey, seventy five percent of allergy struggling pet owners would never take into account doing away with their pet.

Former misconceptions have caused pet owners to consider the fur of cats and puppies provoked allergy symptoms. On the other hand, latest analysis has revealed that allergy signs will be the result of proteins secreted by oil glands inside the animal?s epidermis, web site.

These proteins also are made inside the animal?s saliva, which sticks to the fur in the event the pet grooms by itself. When these proteins dry, they could float in to the air and cause allergic reactions. Cats tend to be more possible to lead to allergic reactions, since they groom on their own and devote extra time during the household than do pet dogs.

?Installing a whole-house air cleaner can play a substantial purpose in making it possible for pet proprietors and their pets to dwell happily actually immediately after,? mentioned Robin Pharo, channel manager for Aprilaire. Aprilaire?s High-Efficiency Air Cleaners entice pet dander particles at

efficiencies of around 99 %.

Authorities present numerous other solutions to help you overcome allergic reactions from pets:

* Make your bedroom off-limits.

* Confine pets to one location with the residence.

* Hold pets outdoors. this link

* Bathe pets when per week.

* Brush your pets generally.

* Wash your fingers just after managing pets.

?Although a combination of such ideas may decrease indications, several pet proprietors don?t place them to make use of,?. ?Pet proprietors require an answer that is definitely considerably less time consuming and one that doesn?t disrupt everyday routines.?

The models only have to be serviced after a yr and because they attach into the home?s heating and cooling technique, they are really silent and do not intrude on the aesthetics on the dwelling space.


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby Boomers: Testing for Hepatitis C Virus Could Save Your Life (ContributorNetwork)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]ContributorNetwork - A 2 percent prevalence of hepatitis C virus emerged recently in the U.S. adult population and this prevalence translates to an estimated 4.1 million persons in the U.S. Fifty percent of the cases arise in the Baby Boomers age group born between 1945 and 1964. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention portrays hepatitis C viral infection as causing more deaths than HIV in the United States. Hepatitis C caused about 13,000 deaths in 2005 and the CDC projects the number of deaths to rise to 35,000 by 2030.


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lawrence Solomon: Israel?s gas diplomacy

Feb 24, 2012 ? 9:07 PM ET | Last Updated: Feb 24, 2012 9:43 PM ET

Israel: ?Gas is our strategic interest for new partnerships?

How do you survive when you?re surrounded by enemies, as is Israel? You win allies among the nations that surround your ?enemies.

This increasingly successful Israeli approach ? dubbed the periphery strategy ? exploits an arsenal of Israeli assets that its new-found allies need: Israel?s military, its counterterrorism skills, its technology, and especially of late, its surprising wealth of hydrocarbons.

Israel?s periphery strategy is nothing new. After Israel survived its war of independence in the late 1940s, when it was invaded by six neighbouring Arab armies, Israel set about winning friends in the Middle East among non-Arabs. In this it succeeded wildly ? Israel won friends among black African states, to which it transferred water-conserving agricultural technologies; among small non-Arab Muslim countries and ethnic groups that were at odds with the Arab states, and with Iran and Turkey, two non-Arab regional powers that became full-blown military allies.

Then the strategy all but collapsed with the OPEC oil boycott of 1973. ?Stay friends with Israel and we?ll cut you off from oil,? the Arab states told the many poor oil-dependent countries that had relations with Israel. Poor countries felt they had no choice but to comply. Israel was from that point mostly abandoned, its former friends suddenly harsh critics at the United Nations, where they voted en masse to condemn Israel in one Arab-sponsored resolution after another.

Now Israel?s periphery strategy is back big time, thanks largely to hydrocarbon diplomacy. Apart from a major oil find in its interior, Israel has known gas reserves of some $130-billion in the Mediterranean, with some estimating that twice as much will materialize as exploration continues. Israel?s Mediterranean neighbour, the island nation of Cyprus, is also discovering immense amounts of gas in the sea bed adjacent to Israel?s. The two are now developing their gas jointly, with plans to export it to Europe or Asia or both. Greece, which may have more oil and gas in its extensive Mediterranean waters than either, is now talking of joining Cyprus and Israel in joint ventures.

The sea change in the attitude of Greece and Cyprus is breathtaking. Until recently, these two ethnically Greek nations were frigidly cold toward Israel, partly because they believed their economic interests lay in the more populous Arab world, partly because they feared for the safety of the 250,000-member Greek community in Egypt if they were to establish good relations with Israel.

Today the Greek calculus has changed. Not only did Greek trade with Arab states fail to blossom, the Greek presence in Egypt has all but vanished. Egypt?s Greek-owned industries were nationalized; Egypt?s Greeks were persecuted for their Christian faith. The official remaining count for Egyptian Greeks, once the most affluent and influential minority in Egypt, is but 3,000.

In contrast, Greeks now have common cause with Israel in exploiting their hydrocarbon riches and in defending them ? Turkey, an enemy of the two Greek nations as well as Israel, has vowed to stop both Cyprus and Greece from developing their hydrocarbons on the basis of long-standing territorial claims. The Israeli-Greek-Cypriot alliance is likely strong enough to stand up to Turkey and allow these new-found friends to profit together.

But for Israel, profit is only the half of it, as a senior advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu told the press in an interview last week, when the two were in Cyprus to further their hydrocarbon co-operation. ?Gas is our strategic interest. It is ? a diplomatic tool for creating new partnerships, first in our region, as well as with the great powers of India and China.?

Israel views Cyprus and Greece as part of the ?Western arc? of its periphery strategy, along with other European countries such as Christian Romania and Bulgaria, and Muslim Albania, which has been a standout defender of Israel in the United Nations. Israel now also has allies to the east, such as Georgia and Azerbaijan in Central Asia. And as part of its southern diplomacy, Israel recently established an East African alliance with predominantly Christian Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and South Sudan designed to fend off Iran and Islamist terrorism. Israel?s stock in East Africa is particularly high because of its role in gaining independence for South Sudan, the world?s newest state.

Over much of South Sudan?s half-century struggle for independence, Israel almost single-handedly armed and supported the black African rebels against what was widely recognized as genocide and enslavement perpetrated by the Arabic rulers based in northern Sudan.? In recognition of Israel?s role in its liberation, the leader of South Sudan made Israel his first foreign stop following independence and promised to establish his country?s embassy in Israel?s capital of Jerusalem, the only country in the world to do so.

Israel?s military help will continue to be needed in East Africa. The oil-rich South Sudan may well find itself at war again with the north and East African countries may find themselves subject to terrorist attack, particularly since South Sudan plans to pipe its oil eastward to ports in Kenya and Ethiopia instead of north through Sudan, which relies on South Sudan?s oil.

Focus on Israel and it appears to be a tiny isolated country surrounded by a sea of hostile Arab nations. Zoom out, though, and it is the Arab nations that are revealed to be isolated, increasingly surrounded by age-old adversaries, most of which have growing ties to Israel. With Israel?s hydrocarbon assets continuing to grow, and with Israel?s military and intelligence assets remaining dominant in the region, Israel?s periphery diplomacy has emerged as one of the country?s remarkable achievements.
Lawrence Solomon is executive director of
Energy Probe.

Financial Post


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Disease Sleuths Surf For Outbreaks Online

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Disease Sleuths Surf For Outbreaks Online
When sick people search the Web for remedies or tweet about their symptoms, they're sending an early warning signal about disease outbreaks. Now scientists and public health officials are listening in.

Source: NPR
Posted on: Friday, Feb 24, 2012, 8:27am
Views: 12


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Using Feng Shui to Attract Wealth and Prosperity | Knowledge About ...

A good way to attract good fortune via feng shui is to observe the element of your business. In feng shui, it is believed that the universe consists of 5 components (fire, water, earth, metal, and wood) and that each career and business belongs to a certain element. For instance, the restaurant enterprise belongs to the element of fire. So if you run a restaurant business, the auspicious colors are purple, yellow, orange, and different fiery colors. The aspect of wooden is also auspicious for the restaurant business as wood strengthens the element of fire. Thus the color inexperienced may even be fortunate for the enterprise as well. Companies belonging to the ingredient of Earth embrace actual property and property developments. The finance, shipping, and travel industries alternatively, belong to the ingredient of water. The jewelry business, mining, and the assembly of machinery, are of the steel element. Furniture and farming companies belong to the wooden element.You may as well attract wealth luck by having an auspicious logo design for your business. Using the rules above, choose the colors and design of the emblem in keeping with the component of your business. If you?re within the farming industry, the colours inexperienced and blue will likely be most auspicious. Incorporate these colours and some wooden aspect into the logo for good luck.

What you are promoting premise should by no means have colors or decorations utilizing parts that conflict with the factor of the business. For example it is extremely unfortunate for a jewelry shop to be painted purple as a result of the ingredient of fireside (represented by the color purple) weakens and destroy the metal factor (which is the aspect of a jewellery business). So one must be very careful when choosing a colours and decorations in your business.

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This entry was posted in Feng Shui and tagged Auspicious Colors, Jewelry Business, Restaurant Business by koko_go_freedom. Bookmark the permalink.


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Friday, February 24, 2012

7 states challenge birth control coverage rule (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - Seven states asked a federal judge Thursday to block an Obama administration mandate that requires birth control coverage for employees of religious-affiliated hospitals, schools and outreach programs.


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Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, right, speaks with French Finance Minister Francois Baroin, left, and Belgium?s Finance Minister Didier Reynders, center, during a meeting of eurozone finance ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, Nov. 7, 2011. Greece?s two biggest parties resumed talks Monday to agree on who should be the country?s [...]

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ala. judge acquits man accused in honeymoon death (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - An Alabama judge on Thursday acquitted the man accused of drowning his newlywed wife during a honeymoon diving trip to Australia eight years ago, saying in an unusual ruling that prosecutors did not prove the man intentionally killed his wife to collect on a life insurance policy.


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Colorectal Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 | Current Partnering

The Colorectal Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 report provides understanding and access to the colorectal cancer partnering deals and agreements entered into by the worlds leading healthcare companies.

  • Trends in colorectal cancer partnering deals
  • Top colorectal cancer deals by value
  • Deals listed by company A-Z, industry sector, stage of development, technology type

The Colorectal Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 provides understanding and access to the colorectal cancer partnering deals and agreements entered into by the worlds leading healthcare companies.

The report provides an analysis of colorectal cancer partnering deals. The majority of deals are discovery or development stage whereby the licensee obtains a right or an option right to license the licensors colorectal cancer technology. These deals tend to be multicomponent, starting with collaborative R&D, and commercialization of outcomes.

Understanding the flexibility of a prospective partner?s negotiated deals terms provides critical insight into the negotiation process in terms of what you can expect to achieve during the negotiation of terms. Whilst many smaller companies will be seeking details of the payments clauses, the devil is in the detail in terms of how payments are triggered ? contract documents provide this insight where press releases do not.

This data driven report contains over 150 links to online copies of actual colorectal cancer deals and contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners, where available. Contract documents provide the answers to numerous questions about a prospective partner?s flexibility on a wide range of important issues, many of which will have a significant impact on each party?s ability to derive value from the deal.

The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of colorectal cancer partnering trends.

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report, whilst chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in colorectal cancer partnering since 2007, including a summary of deals by industry sector, stage of development, deal type, and technology type. Numerous tables provide outline financial trends.

Chapter 3 provides an overview of the leading colorectal cancer deals since 2007. Deals are listed by headline value, signed by bigpharma, most active bigpharma. Where the deal has an agreement contract published at the SEC a link provides online access to the contract.

Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive directory of colorectal cancer partnering deals signed and announced since 2007. The chapter is organized by company A-Z, stage of development at signing, deal type (collaborative R&D, co-promotion, licensing etc), and technology type. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record, and where available the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

In conclusion, this report provides everything a prospective dealmaker needs to know about partnering in the
research, development and commercialization of colorectal cancer technologies and products.

Report scope

Colorectal Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding and access to colorectal cancer trends and structure of deals entered into by leading companies worldwide.

This data driven report includes:

  • Trends in colorectal cancer dealmaking in the biopharma industry since 2007
  • Access to summary headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Access to over 150 colorectal cancer contract documents
  • The leading colorectal cancer deals by value since 2007

In Colorectal Cancer Partnering 2007-2012, the available deals are listed by:

  • Headline value
  • Upfront payment value
  • Royalty rate value
  • Company A-Z
  • Industry sector
  • Stage of development at signing
  • Deal component type
  • Technology type

Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

Colorectal Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 provides the reader with the following key benefits:

  • In-depth understanding of colorectal cancer deal trends since 2007
  • Access to summary headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Comprehensive access to over 150 actual colorectal cancer deals entered into by the world?s biopharma companies since 2007
  • Insight into key deal terms included in contracts, where disclosed
  • Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in deals
  • Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
  • $995: single-user
  • $1,495: multi-user
  • $2,995: single site license
  • $4,975: global site license

An annual subscription to quarterly updates can be purchased for a small additional fee; ensuring you are kept up-to-date with the very latest colorectal cancer partnering deals. Quarterly updates available from $497.50.

A full explanation of license type definitions can be found here.

An additional $500 per copy will be added for full print and CD-ROM requests.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Veterans for Ron Paul Rally at White House (ABC News)

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A breakthrough in understanding the biology and treatment of ovarian cancer

A breakthrough in understanding the biology and treatment of ovarian cancer [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Feb-2012
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Contact: Dr. Ian Zagon
Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine

Researchers at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania have discovered that the presence and integrity of the opioid growth factor receptor (OGFr), which mediates the inhibitory action of opioid growth factor (OGF) on cell proliferation, is a key to understanding the progression and treatment of human ovarian cancer. Transplantation of human ovarian cancer cells that were molecularly engineered to have a reduced expression of OGFr, into immunocompromised mice resulted in ovarian tumors that grew rapidly. This discovery, reported in the February 2012 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine, provides fresh new insights into the pathogenesis and therapy of a lethal cancer that is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related mortality among women in the USA, and has a death rate that is unchanged for over 75 years.

The OGF (also-termed [Met5]-enkephalin)-OGFr axis plays a fundamental role in cancer, development, and cellular renewal by regulating cell proliferation. An important question addressed in this study relates to the requirement of this peptide-receptor system for the progression of carcinogenesis. Human ovarian cancer cell lines that were genetically modified to underexpress OGFr grew far more rapidly in tissue culture than control (empty vector/wildtype) cell lines. Moreover, the addition of OGF to cultures of these genetically modified cells did not respond to the inhibitory peptide and change cell number, indicating that the loss of OGFr interfered with the function of the OGF-OGFr axis with respect to regulating cell proliferation. Immunocompromised mice injected with ovarian cancer cells that had a reduction in OGFr displayed tumors much earlier than controls, and these tumors grew faster than controls. Putting this information together with knowledge that the pathway for OGF-OGFr regulation of cell proliferation in ovarian cancer is by way of increasing the cyclin-dependent inhibitory kinase proteins p16 and p21, we now can understand that minimizing the quantity of OGFr results in an increase in the number of cells entering the G1/S phase of the cell cycle. This has the net effect of increasing the progression of tumorigenic events. These results reveal the critical nature of OGFr in human ovarian cancer, and that the receptor along with its ligand, OGF, is essential for determining the course of these neoplasias.

The research team was comprised of Dr. Ian S. Zagon, Distinguished University Professor, and Dr. Patricia J. McLaughlin, Professor, along with Dr. Renee N. Donahue in the Department of Neural & Behavioral Sciences. Drs. Zagon and McLaughlin discovered that endogenous opioids serve as growth factors, and have been pioneers in translating their findings from the bench to the bedside. Dr. Zagon states that "Over 75% of women are initially diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. Despite excellent initial response to cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy, 65% of these patients relapse within two years. However, only palliative care is available for these patients. With evidence from Phase I and II clinical trials as to the success of OGF for the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer and knowledge presented herein that the OGF-OGFr axis is a critical determinant of the course of ovarian neoplasia, the present study raises the possibility of using this information to modulate the OGF-OGFr pathway with i) exogenous OGF, ii) imiquimod to upregulate OGFr, and/or iii) low dose naltrexone (LDN) to increase OGF and OGFr, as a therapeutic strategy for ovarian carcinoma." Co-author Dr. McLaughlin adds that "A major problem in ovarian cancer is the need for diagnostic markers - both for early diagnosis and to monitor treatment modalities. Since some of the signaling pathways for OGF-OGFr are known (e.g., karyopherin ?, Ran, p16, p21), the components of this system would represent a worthwhile focus in designing diagnostic assays." Dr. Donahue, who conducted the ovarian cancer studies and its relationship to the OGF-OGFr axis for her doctoral dissertation, states that "Ovarian cancers frequently have a methylation of p16 that is associated with an increased progression of ovarian cancer and a loss of OGFr in ovarian tumors. The diminished expression of OGFr and its repercussions on tumorigenesis, only adds to the concern about the need for information concerning genetic and epigenetic changes that may impact the course of disease and its treatment. Our findings also hold potentially ominous overtones for those individuals taking naltrexone for addictive disorders. The dosage used for treatment of addiction blocks opioid receptors continually. The present findings that diminishing the OGF-OGFr axis by depleting the receptor exacerbates tumorigenesis, could place these patients using naltrexone at risk for accelerating disease processes that involve cell proliferation."

Dr. Steven R. Goodman, Editor-in-Chief of Experimental Biology and Medicine, said "This compelling evidence confirms the absolute requirement for OGFr (and OGF) as a tonically active inhibitory regulatory mechanism in ovarian cancer. As a corollary, amplifying the OGF-OGFr pathway is a novel and highly effective biotherapeutic strategy to suppress the progression of these deadly cancers."


Experimental Biology and Medicine is the journal of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine. To learn about the benefits of society membership visit If you are interested in publishing in the journal please visit

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A breakthrough in understanding the biology and treatment of ovarian cancer [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Feb-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Dr. Ian Zagon
Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine

Researchers at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania have discovered that the presence and integrity of the opioid growth factor receptor (OGFr), which mediates the inhibitory action of opioid growth factor (OGF) on cell proliferation, is a key to understanding the progression and treatment of human ovarian cancer. Transplantation of human ovarian cancer cells that were molecularly engineered to have a reduced expression of OGFr, into immunocompromised mice resulted in ovarian tumors that grew rapidly. This discovery, reported in the February 2012 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine, provides fresh new insights into the pathogenesis and therapy of a lethal cancer that is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related mortality among women in the USA, and has a death rate that is unchanged for over 75 years.

The OGF (also-termed [Met5]-enkephalin)-OGFr axis plays a fundamental role in cancer, development, and cellular renewal by regulating cell proliferation. An important question addressed in this study relates to the requirement of this peptide-receptor system for the progression of carcinogenesis. Human ovarian cancer cell lines that were genetically modified to underexpress OGFr grew far more rapidly in tissue culture than control (empty vector/wildtype) cell lines. Moreover, the addition of OGF to cultures of these genetically modified cells did not respond to the inhibitory peptide and change cell number, indicating that the loss of OGFr interfered with the function of the OGF-OGFr axis with respect to regulating cell proliferation. Immunocompromised mice injected with ovarian cancer cells that had a reduction in OGFr displayed tumors much earlier than controls, and these tumors grew faster than controls. Putting this information together with knowledge that the pathway for OGF-OGFr regulation of cell proliferation in ovarian cancer is by way of increasing the cyclin-dependent inhibitory kinase proteins p16 and p21, we now can understand that minimizing the quantity of OGFr results in an increase in the number of cells entering the G1/S phase of the cell cycle. This has the net effect of increasing the progression of tumorigenic events. These results reveal the critical nature of OGFr in human ovarian cancer, and that the receptor along with its ligand, OGF, is essential for determining the course of these neoplasias.

The research team was comprised of Dr. Ian S. Zagon, Distinguished University Professor, and Dr. Patricia J. McLaughlin, Professor, along with Dr. Renee N. Donahue in the Department of Neural & Behavioral Sciences. Drs. Zagon and McLaughlin discovered that endogenous opioids serve as growth factors, and have been pioneers in translating their findings from the bench to the bedside. Dr. Zagon states that "Over 75% of women are initially diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. Despite excellent initial response to cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy, 65% of these patients relapse within two years. However, only palliative care is available for these patients. With evidence from Phase I and II clinical trials as to the success of OGF for the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer and knowledge presented herein that the OGF-OGFr axis is a critical determinant of the course of ovarian neoplasia, the present study raises the possibility of using this information to modulate the OGF-OGFr pathway with i) exogenous OGF, ii) imiquimod to upregulate OGFr, and/or iii) low dose naltrexone (LDN) to increase OGF and OGFr, as a therapeutic strategy for ovarian carcinoma." Co-author Dr. McLaughlin adds that "A major problem in ovarian cancer is the need for diagnostic markers - both for early diagnosis and to monitor treatment modalities. Since some of the signaling pathways for OGF-OGFr are known (e.g., karyopherin ?, Ran, p16, p21), the components of this system would represent a worthwhile focus in designing diagnostic assays." Dr. Donahue, who conducted the ovarian cancer studies and its relationship to the OGF-OGFr axis for her doctoral dissertation, states that "Ovarian cancers frequently have a methylation of p16 that is associated with an increased progression of ovarian cancer and a loss of OGFr in ovarian tumors. The diminished expression of OGFr and its repercussions on tumorigenesis, only adds to the concern about the need for information concerning genetic and epigenetic changes that may impact the course of disease and its treatment. Our findings also hold potentially ominous overtones for those individuals taking naltrexone for addictive disorders. The dosage used for treatment of addiction blocks opioid receptors continually. The present findings that diminishing the OGF-OGFr axis by depleting the receptor exacerbates tumorigenesis, could place these patients using naltrexone at risk for accelerating disease processes that involve cell proliferation."

Dr. Steven R. Goodman, Editor-in-Chief of Experimental Biology and Medicine, said "This compelling evidence confirms the absolute requirement for OGFr (and OGF) as a tonically active inhibitory regulatory mechanism in ovarian cancer. As a corollary, amplifying the OGF-OGFr pathway is a novel and highly effective biotherapeutic strategy to suppress the progression of these deadly cancers."


Experimental Biology and Medicine is the journal of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine. To learn about the benefits of society membership visit If you are interested in publishing in the journal please visit

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One Degree - Business Consulting Buzz (Blogroll)

Name of Blog:?Business Consulting Buzz


One Line Description:?The #1 consulting blog and resource on the internet covering all aspects of being a successful consultant in business and in life.?

Topics It Covers:?Becoming a successful consultant, business consulting, marketing and consulting, growing a consulting business, small business consulting, setting up a consulting business.?


Author(s):?Michael Zipursky

Location:?Where are you in the world - Vancouver, BC, Canada

Contact Deets:?

Three Representative Posts:?
Marketing Mondays: Build Your Consulting Business by Writing Articles
10 Things Clients Hate and How to Avoid Them
The Blitz Model to Sales Consulting: Interview with Andrea Sittig-Rolf

Miscellaneous Notes and Accolades:
Business Consulting Buzz has been mentioned on several websites, has a growing database of information packed articles (550+), gets over 30,000 visitors per month, and also offers the free download of the Consultants Toolkit? used by over 5000 consultants worldwide.?



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Monday, February 20, 2012

Whitney Houston's hometown remembers her fondly (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - The New Hope Baptist Church, where pop star Whitney Houston first sang and family and friends will gather on Saturday to pay her a final tribute, sits in a hardscrabble corner of Newark, New Jersey. Its well-maintained red-brick facade seems at odds with the dusty parking lot and derelict housing projects around it.


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Second Wind for Life Non Profit Hosts Fundraiser for American Heart ...

3:34 PM EST 2/19/2012 by Alexandria Green


Second Wind for Life, in conjunction with the American Heart Association and Go Red for Women, held its first annual cocktail reception and fundraiser themed ?Fashionable Taste? on February 18. The event was at the Health Museum, located in Houston?s posh Museum District, with an audience of over two hundred cardiology patients, survivors, supporters, family and friends. Founded by Arthur and Deborah Brandon, Second Wind for Life?is a Texas-based non-profit organization that promotes awareness of chronic diseases and medical-financial hardships faced by individuals in the community with major medical diseases.?Second Wind for Life works with seven organizations including American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Lupus Foundation of America, National Glaucoma Research, National Kidney Foundation, National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. The focus is on education, research, and prevention of chronic diseases.? The evening?s attendees were treated to a private tasting hosted by local Houston food vendors and a mini concert by renowned saxophonist Theresa Grayson along with a viewing of the 2012 Health Museum Exhibit. National poet Se7en and Houston Style magazine?s entertainment reporter Rebecca Briscoe served as co-hosts for the fundraiser which showcased Houston?s well-known Exclamation Dance Company. Keynote speaker and cardiologist, Dr. Jonas Garcia, delivered a heartfelt speech that was followed by additional entertainment and a silent auction.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

finance debt loans ? consolidate ? Blog Archive ? Is it possible to ...

Question by : Is it possible to consolidate my private sallie mae loans with my stafford and perkins loans?
I just graduated school and found out sallie mae had sold off 4 of my loans to the department of education and a company called ACS and instead of paying three seperate people i want to play just one person. So is it possible to consolidate these loans all into one and with who could i do it with?

Best answer:

Answer by Suddenly Human
You can?t consolidate federal loans with private loans. So no. Just put your checking account on the auto payment feature and it won?t matter if you pay one company or three. They will pay out automatically without you ever having to do anything. Consolidation is mostly hype anyway. The rates are not going to be less than what you are getting on those Perkins loans? and any private loan consolidation will do nothing except give the lender more of your money over the long term even if they do give you a better rate because instead of paying back in ten years you pay more interest over 25 years.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags: Consolidate, Loans, perkins, possible, Private, sallie, stafford?


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Video: Newlywed on trial for wife's death

>>> we begin this half hour with the murder testimony of gabe watson . he's accused of drowning his wife in a skub ba diving honey moochblt we have the details.

>> he physically took a tiny bit of a backward movement and he said, what do you mean? i said, gabe, that's bull [ bleep ].

>> reporter: he said he confronted the accused minutes after his wife died. watson told him he couldn't hold her any longer and had too let go. mils milsap, an expert scuba diver , testified it didn't make sense. he heard his own voice describing how his 26-year-old wife drowned. this photo taken by another diver accidentally captured tina 's body on the ocean floor . watch as defense claims tina panicked, knocked off her husband's mask and tank as he tried to help her and that the equipment was dragging her down. so watson was forced to let her go and swim up for air. but prosecutors paint a different picture claiming watson an experienced diver planned to turn off her air supply and hold her under water.

>> we can't imagine every day what thoughts were going through tina 's mind as he was killing her.

>> reporter: a witness testified he saw watson holding his wife under water for a few seconds before letting go.

>> i thought he was trying to save her. then they split apart. he went to the surface, and after they split apart, she sank.

>> reporter: prosecutors say watson killed his wife to cash in on her life and travel insurance .

>> it has to be that the time hoe was marrying her he planned to kill her for a couple hundred,000 in proceeds. that kind of theory and motive is not going to be an easy sell for a jury.

>> reporter: he pled to nemgt manslaughter. he served 18 months before being extradited to alabama where prosecutors say he planned the murder of his bride. for today, lilliana luciano, nbc news.


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

William Shatner Talks ?Shatner?s World? & Alien Sex with Carrie Keagan

Get More: Big Morning Buzz Live, William Shatner


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Urbane Talk ? Blog Archive ? Search engine marketing Companies ...

Online businesses will certainly revenue from the services of the very best Search engine marketing companies. These kind of businesses participate in investigation, internet site design, online special offers and associated technological functions. Nonetheless, their own primary activity is to formulate a comprehensive and powerful plan in which will meet the needs of an online business.

The very best Search engine marketing service can be delivered by these kind of companies to make certain their potential customers attain skills in aimed towards buyers as well as genuine these people which a specific asset or service is one area which is beneficial. At the identical time, the very best SEO companies need to ensure that the clientele keep a high-quality web site. They have to establish that will quality site visitors proceed to the internet site and be transformed into faithful clients. This kind of will consequence into the technology of constant income for the client in the long-term.

One issue to be looked at simply by the best Search engine marketing companies in making tactics will be to analyze the market scenario very carefully, figure out just about all demands and plan ahead. Planning need to require figuring out the expenses included for an intense marketing campaign along with the time and other resources essential for the implementation. Considerable time needs to be spent to enhance internet sites and also drive a sufficient quantity of traffic to the idea.

In fact, the greatest Search engine marketing service can do magic for online business businesses. Since of this particular development, perhaps minor business people can now look forward to much better revenue possibilities.

At current, the greatest Search engine marketing companies are generally up against a much wider responsibility that features the standard career fields of promoting, campaigns, public relations, data operations, sales, client service and also visuals design.

Using the strong blend of marketing, public relationships as well as internet technology, greatest Search engine optimization companies can reach out to as numerous customers as is possible. These types of specialized professionals just have to incorporate numerous methods along with the various other features of marketing marketing and sales communications for example investigation, special offers, product development as well as supervision.

On the contrary, in comparison to standard marketing initiatives, the best Search engine optimisation service does not need a big group of staff or a huge budget. That brings in traffic as well as permits possible customers the opportunity to network together with vendors and suggest his or her preferences. One of the keys to the accomplishment in this motivation will be locating the right niche, planning smartly as well as patient the promise of accomplishment about beginning of the endeavor.

The services of the best Search engine optimisation companies contain thorough investigation, industry along with complex evaluation, market questionnaire, keyword research, code optimization, internet site framework examination, content examination along with other things that is required to advertise a website by way of common search search engines. They also present link-building and also internet marketing know-how to assist in an effective technique for making a significant quantity of guest traffic. Helpful search engine marketing methods which might be suitable for each and every job are usually formulated at the same time to make sales while raising website traffic. The various other key elements that need considering tend to be the companies? capacity in picking out a sound link building strategy and thoroughly organized online marketing objectives.

For more information, check out seo sheffield and also sheffield seo

Tags: fun, learning, Life, world

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Take Your Kids Fly Fishing |

When you take your kids fly fishing at an early age, you will get them interested in this sport and you are more likely to have them as companions at a later age. While very young children may have some difficulty learning how to fly cast, there are other things you can do to ensure they still have a great time with you.

If the children are very young, it?s probably not the best idea to take them to a river you are planning on wading, and expect them to also be able to wade along with you. However, you could take them to a lake or a pond that has structure like a casting platform and let them join you there.

They may not be able to cast, but they can ?help? you retrieve line and if you do get a fish on, you can let them either land the fish on their own or help you to do so. Learn more at this fly fishing site.


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Options to consider About LASIK | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Lots of people are referring to Laseren, or LASIK surgery, previously number of years. LASIK surgery, or Laser- assisted in situ Keratomileusis, as it is termed such as the medical community, is one of the most widely used forms of laser eyesight surgical treatments nowadays. This sort of surgical procedure can be utilized for every form of vision connected problems and is renowned for to be able to provide quick and quality outcomes. The procedure is quick and it is an outpatient surgical procedure that will have people returning to their typical life in almost no time in any way. Many people opt to get this kind of eyesight surgical treatment because millions of people over the world have experienced achievement with it. However, it is important that anyone considering this surgical treatment very first knows how the process operates.

Even Though LASIK surgical procedure sounds agonizing, it is really quite comfortable to the patient by sitting through. The patient is totally sharp through the procedure, but unique numbing drops are very first put in the eye so that there is no pain associated with the procedure. The individual will take a seat inside a lying and comfortable chair during the process. An eyelid holder will be used to keep the eye balls open up constantly during the surgery as it might be hard for almost any person to avoid blinking whilst their face is being worked on.

Through the procedure, a small laserlight is employed to reshape the cornea for the front of the eye. This helps adjust the cornea so that your eye has the capacity to obviously focus light rays that go into the eye so you have better vision. Many individuals get stressed about the thought of their eye becoming operated on while they are conscious. Many individuals fear the procedure could do a lot more harm to their eye balls and even create people to lose their perspective. This may not occur with this type of surgical procedure. Nevertheless, it?s important that anyone considering the process understands what will occur through the surgery so they really no worries.

When you are setup for that surgical treatment, a tiny diamond ring like system are going to be put on the eye, and slight pressure is going to be used. Typically, this will cause how well you see to fade or totally go black. This might result in lots of people to panic or anxiety but it?s an ordinary part of the procedure and the eyesight may ultimately be reconditioned. The loss of vision is only short-term and is part of the process. Then, the laser is going to be utilized on a person?s eye for that reshaping. Also, several individuals will anxiety since they can listen to the sounds included when the surgical treatment has been done. Although during is cutting away from a flap of one?s eye the flap will be swapped out once the surgical procedure is over as well as the eye will heal swiftly.

Overall the LASIK eye surgical procedure process requires of a moment approximately to own done. It?s very speedy and incredibly effective. Although you will have to relaxation your vision for the rest of the day, a lot of people can return to regular activities like driving the day after surgery.

If you are looking to find out more about laseren because you are considering laser surgery, you need to absolutely have a look at our internet site to discover more about lasek.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Importance of RSS

Published by witter | February 16, 2012 | | 12

If you have been online for quite some time and have been to blog websites, you probably have seen or heard something called ?RSS.? If you are like me when I first began blogging online, I had no idea what an ?RSS? was or how useful it was. I am going to explain those questions and how you can apply it.

Let?s begin by defining what an RSS is. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. I have been using RSS for about half a year now. I discovered the use for RSS while using Firefox, a browser alternative to Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.

The reason I use Firefox is because it makes using RSS very simple. They have made it so that everytime you visit a webpage that uses RSS, it shows you a small orange symbol in the address bar. When you notice the symbol, you can click on it which will give you the option to add a bookmark. Bookmarking allows for you to directly link to the RSS file or an XML file, which are a condensed version of the website that you just bookmarked. These RSS file are also commonly known as ?feeds.?

Firefox makes it so that you can read these RSS files without any 3rd party software or application. The feed will show a folder with bunch of links that are the articles from the RSS feed extracted from the website you bookmarked or subscribed to.

To use more advanced technique, you can install a ?RSS reader? to get more feed reading features. Firefox has an RSS reader extension called Sage, which you can download from their home page.

You can use other RSS reader from Google online, but I rather use browser interface RSS reader. It?s just preference and you can experiment with both and see which one you prefer.

If you do not want to use Firefox or if you are just use to other browsers, you can still subscribe to an RSS or XML feed by locating the small orange button anywhere on the site. These small orange icons usually stand for the RSS feed for that site.

There are RSS feeds used for Podcasts and Videocasts also. These are similar to internet radio or TV program that you can subscribe to and listen on a portable media playing devices. When you subscribe to one of these through iTunes, it will automatically update and? download the file and load it on your playlist. You can go to and use these feeds to load on other audio programs besides iTunes.


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Ten One Design Pogo Sketch Plus Review

The Pogo Sketch Plus from Ten One Design is a stylus for capacitive displays like those found on the iPad, iPhone and Android tablets. Check out my full report after the jump. Note: Click the images in this review to see a larger view. Made of anodized aluminum, the Pogo Sketch Plus is available in [...]


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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Loyal & Awesome Screenwriting Partner | The Athletic Nerd

My Loyal & Awesome Screenwriting Partner


Mylo is a 4 year old shih tzu and one of the most laid back dogs I?ve ever met?? I suppose ?laid back? is a fancy word for lazy sometimes but that?s part of his charm.? He enjoys sox, pizza crusts and his stuffed tiger Chester.

My Loyal & Awesome Screenwriting Partner

Little Mylo has a very strict routine in the morning.? We both get out of bed around 9 and head out to the living room.? I usually turn on the computer and Mylo heads straight for his ?living room bed? to sleep.

About an hour later he?ll get up, stretch, eat a little and take his place on the window sill.? We are over 30 stories above the ground so he just looks at the water most of the time.

My Loyal & Awesome Screenwriting Partner

After our morning walk and some food, I get started on whatever project I want to tackle that day.? Sometimes it?s a new blog post or a Photoshop project.? But something funny happens to Mylo when I sit down to write screenplays.

This is the exact look I get when I?m about to start writing.? He stares.?? He sniffs and he moves around my chair until I pick him up.? He doesn?t stop.

?Ahem?? We both know I?m not going anywhere so pick me up and let?s get going.?

Once he?s on my lap he immediately lays down.? To be honest, I think he just likes laying there because he knows I?ll be sitting still for a while.? It?s been like this for years.? Just about every page I?ve written has been with Mylo resting on my lap looking up at me every once in a while.

Most recently, I?ve been working on a fairly emotional and personal screenplay.? I tend to get upset while I?m writing it and constantly speak dialogue out loud.? We all know dogs are perceptive and when I?m genuinely angry about a scene, (or the inspiration behind it) Mylo does everything he can to try and cheer me up.? He sits up and climbs as high as he can. ? He looks me right in the eyes wiggling his tail back and forth.

?You?re upset.? What can I do?? How?s the scene shaping up??

In this way, he?s become my emotional barometer.? If he sits up, I know what I?m writing is truly honest.? Little Mylo sitting on my lap when I write is part of my comfort zone now.? I find it amazing that he only wants to sit on my lap when I write screenplays.? How does he know?!

I love that dog.

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Court halts sale of New Zealand farms to Chinese (AP)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand ? A New Zealand court Wednesday halted the first ever sale of dairy farms to Chinese investors, the latest twist in a saga that's dividing a country reliant on agriculture for much of its export earnings.

High Court Judge Forrest Miller ruled the New Zealand government overstated the economic benefits that the Chinese investors would bring when the government approved the sale of the 16 farms last month. Miller said the government needs to review the sale again using stricter evaluation criteria.

Supporters of the sale ? which would have been the first to Chinese investors ? say it would encourage international trade, while others say farmland needs to stay in the hands of New Zealanders if the country is to remain prosperous.

The potential buyer is Shanghai Pengxin, run by wealthy property developer Jiang Zhaobai. The company says it wants to spend more than 200 million New Zealand dollars ($164 million) buying and improving the farms.

A consortium of local farmers and businessmen led by merchant banker Sir Michael Fay filed the court action seeking to block the sale. The group earlier offered to pay 171 million New Zealand dollars ($140 million) to buy the land itself.

"We're very pleased with the decision from Justice Miller," said consortium spokesman Alan McDonald. "Our view is that Shanghai Pengxin never brought any real economic benefits to New Zealand."

The judge essentially ruled that the New Zealand government used a false comparison when evaluating the benefits the Chinese would bring to the farms, which are currently in bankruptcy and poor repair. The judge said the benefits from the Chinese needed to be measured not against the farms' current state, but against the benefits a New Zealand buyer would bring.

Cedric Allan, a spokesman for Pengxin, said he believes the Chinese investment will benefit New Zealand under either measure, and he said he expects the sale will still go ahead after a second government review.

"Personally, for me, the ruling is a big surprise, I hadn't read the Overseas Investment Act in that way," he said. "We're still pressing ahead as fast as we can, and we're still confident we are going to get the final signoff."

The case has been watched closely by Chinese officials, who earlier expressed concern at delays in the sale.

New Zealand relies on China to buy much of its farming exports, including its dairy products. In 2008, the two countries signed a free-trade agreement, the first such agreement between China and a developed nation.


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